Leadership Coaching – Get moving in your career

Weekly Accountability Program

Get moving on a goal or a project that matters to you.

What's in it for you:

Hear the Bullhorn!

This is your kick in the butt to focus on something that matters to you!

Incremental Improvement

Pretty quickly you will start to see shifts and changes in your weekly answers.

Having a Witness

How great is it to have a witness to parts of your progress you don't even see yourself?

Mindfulness Reminder

Once a week you consider what you're doing and what you want.


Every week I am waiting for you. Are you showing up?

Trusted Support

You can be honest about struggles, mistakes and incomplete ideas, without risk.

How it works:

  • I will send you an email every Friday, with four standard four questions:
    • What are you focusing on? “I deeply want to be better able to _____”
    • How did it go this week?
    • What will you try/do next week?
    • Anything else on your mind that you want to share?
  • Every week, you will watch for the Friday email, and commit to take about fifteen minutes to send me a reply.
  • On Monday/Tuesday, I will read the answers you send, and I will write you back.

This program includes direct access to a certified leadership coach.  Weekly engagement with a professional coach usually costs hundreds of dollars.  This 8 week program is priced today at $40USD!


I so appreciate the program! It helped me keep my eye on the big picture – business development. The weekly emails kept it front and center and encouraged me to make progress on the big picture and long-term goals. With a pretty busy day-to-day, I wasn’t making my overall business growth a priority or giving it any focus. I just kept moving those kinds of tasks to the next week’s list. The program added the (gracious) accountability I needed to make progress on that big picture. – Laura B.

Ann’s program is like a warm hug from a wise sister who is nudging you on your discovery. Ann is considerate and kind and offering the right amount of encouragement to push you forward. Because of the program, I’ve learnt to be kinder to myself. Do sign-up! – Jen J.

I signed up to work with Ann to increase my awareness as I transitioned into a new role. She created an environment where I felt free to express my hesitations and fears, and she provided me supportive and insightful coaching. Ann directly contributed to positive growth. Thank you, Ann. — Cynthia B.