I had a big reminder recently of how amazing it can be to just step forward.
It sounds easy. But I know that when you feel at your safest, standing right where you are, you can debate the value of even a risk-free step away.
I signed up for zip-lining
My reminder came in Costa Rica.
With the motivation that comes from being in a group, I signed up for zip-lining.
The first few runs were intentionally short, so newbies like me could get used to the positions and the feel of the equipment. There were three highly attentive staff people at every checkpoint. As I continued along the routes I felt really safe and grateful to see the jungle canopy with a birds-eye view. Once we got to the route where I was hooked up to fly like superman I was having a great time.

At the end I was given a choice
At the very end though, there was one more thing offered, but it was optional. I could turn left and do it, or turn right and go back to the main lodge.
I turned left.
Was it safest to turn right? Yes.
Was it safe to turn left? Yes. Everything I had experienced for more than an hour proved to me that it was a safe choice.
I walked along a platform. Got to the end and had three staff people hook me up. And all I was asked to do was literally step forward – off the platform.
Then I had a WTF moment
I admit that I had a brief “what the hell am I doing?!” moment, when my brain, my heart, and my gut weren’t quite aligned. Then I just stepped forward.
And WOW! I was on a massive swing set. I was immediately taken back to being the little girl at the park who would run to the swing and try to get as high as possible. Now I was soaring above the trees on a beautiful, smooth arc going back and forth like my younger self had only imagined possible.
The staff let me get quite a few good swings in before they caught me and brought me down, with a huge smile plastered on my face.
I’ve had less dramatic moments at work, with similar feelings
Now that was pretty dramatic with the full flip of the stomach and inner debate going on. But I get variations of those feelings at other moments too of moving from a place that feels “safest” to a place that feels “safe with the potential for more.” For example:
- Choosing to speak at a conference
- Raising my hand to ask a question in the all-staff meeting
- Taking a speaking role in an interview for potential new work
- Picking up the phone to call a prospective client
- Opening the floor to take questions from the Board of Directors
My awareness of the signals in my body and my self-talk helps me discern if it’s a moment to rally, and step forward, and experience more.
Exercise to try
So here’s an exercise to practice stepping forward.
Today, identify an action that makes you feel a little nervous. Maybe it’s posting something online, talking with someone new, or putting your name on a karaoke list.
Then consider what would make the action feel a little safer. Maybe it’s being in a group or keeping it short.
Then before the end of the week, step forward. Feel all the feels, and do it. Then observe the outcome, and your reactions, and what you might do next time.