Leadership Coaching – Get moving in your career

Movie Night, with the Assistance of Four Decision-making Methods

Decide sign post for decision-making

Picking a movie, like any decision, will involve a decision-making method whether you realize it at the time or not. Let’s play with four decision methods to settle what we’re going to watch tonight:

Decision-making Methods in Action

Consensus – You and I are committed to finding the best option that we both agree on.  I suggest, “Blues Brothers!” Then you say that you aren’t feeling it. “How about Sophie’s Choice?” Ooof!!  This might take a while.

Mandate – Let’s look at the calendar. I see it’s Saturday. I have full authority to decide on Saturdays. So I pick, “Hopscotch!” (This is a great Walter Matthau movie I highly recommend!)

Advice – You ask for my input, and I give it to you. Then you might also check some reviews, and see what Netflix is suggesting. Eventually I will find out what your informed decision is at movie time.

Consent – I let you know what I prefer (a heist movie), what I’d be okay with (a comedy or an action thriller), and what I say No to (horror movies, or anything that drags me into seven seasons of episodes.)  Then you do the same.  What do you prefer, what are you okay with, and what do you say No to?  Aha! It looks like we are both “okay” with a spy thriller today.  So perhaps any James Bond will be “good enough.”

Things to Consider

The decision-making methods vary in their speed and level of engagement. Aligning your decision with a method will involve understanding your context: What (and how important) is the schedule? What is at risk if the decision is too fast or too slow? What is compromised if the decision is too hidden or too transparent? To further explore when different decision-making methods are best applied, you can check out this resource.

Exercise for Your Decision-making Muscle

Here is an exercise to strengthen your decision-making muscle:

  • Notice what decisions are ahead of you this week.
    • What’s for dinner?
    • What are we going to use as an ice breaker for the next team video call?
    • Who will we invite to interview for the new position?
    • What do we put on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting?
  • Then look at the range of decision-making methods that are available.  We have:
    • Consensus – finding the best option that everyone agrees with
    • Mandate – using your authority to make the decision yourself
    • Advice – seeking input that might influence your decision
    • And Consent – finding what is ‘good enough’ so you can get going
  • Pick a decision method that maybe you don’t usually use, and try it out.
  • Then reflect on whether it was a better fit, or a worse fit!
  • Continue the exercise with multiple decisions through this week.
Enjoy the video version of the blog!

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Picture of Ann Drummie

Ann Drummie

Ann Drummie is a certified leadership coach, workshop facilitator, and speaker. She helps professionals get moving in their career. She is the author of "Wallet on the Rental Car Roof: A Guide for Young Professionals Growing Their Leadership Skills." She's also an avid traveller and curler.