Leadership Coaching – Get moving in your career

Look Around, Not Only at the Finish Line

The last nine months of construction for a school can get pretty intense.

Everyone is aiming at the same finish line – to be ready for the first day of school. So much is happening – testing HVAC, ordering furniture, installing internet cables, connecting utilities, hanging doors.

In the middle of the summer, I was fully focused on what was ahead, what risks to plan for, and what opportunities to leverage.

That’s when I found something in my mailbox.

I was entirely focused on the deadline. Then I got a letter.

It was letter from the City, that was a formal warning.

The shrub in front of my house was encroaching on the public sidewalk.  If I didn’t cut it back, I would get a serious fine!

It was quite a shock, and it really pulled my attention away from a few months in the future, to what was literally in front of me in that very moment.

And indeed, the shrub that I would “get to someday” had expanded well beyond its normal shape.

It challenged my awareness and my priorities

After feeling surprise, I felt annoyance.

Pruning it felt like one more thing on my already extensive To Do list, and not a high priority.  But the City was forcing my priorities.

Once I conceded to the directive, and I got started with the shears, my annoyance gradually melted away as I let myself be in the moment.  I was outside on a sunny day.  I was saying hello to my neighbors passing by.  I was listening to my favourite playlist of music.

When all of the cuttings were bagged for pick-up, and the shrub seemed happy to be back within its planter, I felt calmer than I had in a long time.

It was a huge reminder to be present

I was kind of grateful for the wake up call of the warning letter.

Perhaps as the inspector was telling me to take care of the shrub situation, they were reminding me more broadly to pause, get out of my head, and notice what’s around me that needs some more regular care (including myself.)

It can feel noble and responsible to be working toward a big goal.

If you aren’t careful though, always looking at the finish line will keep you from noticing even large opportunities to relish along the way.

Exercise to keep aware of the present

So here’s an exercise for you to keep aware of the present:

  • Today, make a list of actions that have helped you stay present before, or just come to mind. Maybe things like breathing exercises, going for a walk, doing yoga, cooking a meal, or gardening!
  • Then every day this week, commit to doing at least one of the actions.  It can be for just 10 minutes.
  • At the end of the week, notice what was easy and what was hard, and what your energy level is.
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Picture of Ann Drummie

Ann Drummie

Ann Drummie is a certified leadership coach, workshop facilitator, and speaker. She helps professionals get moving in their career. She is the author of "Wallet on the Rental Car Roof: A Guide for Young Professionals Growing Their Leadership Skills." She's also an avid traveller and curler.